Eve is a psychologist, author and successful filmmaker. She self-financed SHADOW OF DOUBT, an intriguing murder mystery about the wrongful conviction of Sue Neill-Fraser in Tasmania, which she filmed over 4 years. SHADOW OF DOUBT, released in 2013, screened on Foxtel Ci and in cinemas.. Eve continued to film till 2018 and with Tim Smart and their company, Missing Man, co-produced Undercurrent TV series with production compay, cjz, for Channel 7. Airing January to March 2019.
Eve Ash is a popular public speaker ( and the founder of Seven Dimensions (, a world leader in the production of communication and business films. Eve has been a national Business Owner winner at the Telstra Businesswomen's Awards, and was included in the 2000 Australian Businesswomen’s Hall of Fame. Eve has created a library of business and educational films that sell worldwide and have won over 150 awards. Eve created the highly commended CUTTING EDGE COMMUNICATION COMEDY series with US comedienne Erin Brown, in USA. She has produced 700+ programs. As a psychologist Eve likes to stimulate change, impact behaviours and ensure human rights and integrity are upheld. In 2010 Eve ‘transformed’ Olympic gold medallist Cathy Freeman into a cartoon character in Finding My Magic – a series sold to NITV/SBS and winning 8 US awards. Eve co-wrote two books with Rob Gerrand, published by Penguin Books: Rewrite Your Life! and Rewrite Your Relationships! Eve is now completing the feature documentary Man on the Bus, due for release in 2019.
SHADOW OF DOUBT was a challenging and rewarding production. She has spent years talking with family, studying legal and police documents, and building a film story that explored the Sue Neill-Fraser conviction. Eve wanted to understand why a jury would be convinced beyond reasonable doubt that Sue was guilty when there was so much doubt. She did some investigative filming herself, but also worked with DOP, Cesar Salmeron for the major filming in Tasmania, along with other local crews along the way. Eve teamed up with Barbara Etter APM, whilst making SHADOW OF DOUBT. Barbara represented Sue Neill-Fraser from 2012 to June 2017.